Whatsapp for PC!

Whatsapp for PC read this!

Yes, it is possible!
The app for smartphones is now available for the PC. The possibilities of the application is exactly equal to the smartphones but on the computer.
And also a full guide of the application.
Chat with other friends to their smartphones via Whatsapp it is now possible.

WhatsApp is available on almost all mobile devices.

What is Whatsapp?
WhatsApp is a messenger on mobile devices and now on the computer. WhatsApp is a messenger that is used with all mobile devices communicate with each other by means of texts, and now that even with the computer unbelievable.
And that's the point why WhatsApp has become so famous!

The following devices are available for WhatsApp:
1. Samsung Smartphones
2. Apple Iphones
3. HTC Smartphones
4. Sony Smartphones
5. Blackberry Smartphones
6. Nokia Smartphones
7. Motorola Smartphones
8. Windows Smartphones

And now it's even available for the computer.
Chat via computer to all of the above mobile devices.
WhatsApp on the computer also has the ability to include pictures, music and voice memos to be sent.

Would your family and friends together in 1 chat add?
Yes you can!
This option is also available on WhatsApp.

Also one of the smileys are fun option.
Of course smileys WhatsApp also available on the computer.
Almost all standard smileys and even extra smileys!

Busy with your game or see a movie?
Don't worry because with the great push notification message you see a pop-up who's talking and what he's texting you!

If you'r buying this Program for the computer don't use the same phone number on the mobile phone ore it wil disable your whatsapp on your mobile phone.

Whatsapp PC

Here is my proof!
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Link in description for download Whatsapp PC Edition.

Whatsapp on PC cost only 7,50 euro!
If you are not satisfied with the software you have 100% back guarantee.

Download Here

Or click on the Picture

Please, rate me!

Installation guide for Whatsapp for PC

Here is A video how to Install Mobile Whatsapp for PC.

Ignore the music
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Important Questions asked!

1.1 - Can I really use any phone number?
YES as a matter a fact you can even use the old school rotatary phones with no screen... a computer will CALL you back and give the authentication digits....

1.2 - Can I use the same number, I already use to whatsapp with?
NO, if you were to do so you need to re-install whatsapp. You won't lose your chat-history. But I would ONLY recommend that in case your phone is unavailable for a while (like in case of a repair)


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