Is It Possible To Crack A Facebook Account? We have discussed alot about popular password cracking methods such as Bruteforce, Dictionary attack and Rainbow tables. However a question I get asked frequently is if it's possible to crack a Facebook account. So I wish to clear concepts related to Hacking/Cracking Facebook accounts. First of all " Hacking a Facebook account " and "Cracking a facebook account " are both different terminologies. Hacking a facebook account refers to foolproof methods such as Phishing , keylogging , Social engineering etc. However the terminology cracking refers to the methods such as B ruteforce, Dictionary attacks etc. Brute Force Attacks Bruteforce is one of the most common and most reliable password cracking methodologies. A bruteforce attack tries all possible combinations against the medium, until the correct password is found. However the problem with a bruteforce attack is that as the pass...
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